
Designer Credits:

The Font “Uset” by Douglas Peters is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license.

The Font “Uset” was originally cloned (copied) from the FontStruction “Tset” by “OekelWm”, which is also licensed under the same Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license.

License Specifics...


You may use this font for personal, public or commercial business use.


You are free to share or otherwise redistribute this archive as long as it is kept intact (see the accompanying ReadMe.txt for the complete file list) and all of the files remain together and unaltered.


You may modify this font and share or otherwise redistribute it under this same license as long as the previous designers' work is credited (as above with details & resource links given).

License Summary...

Users may use, share and otherwise distribute this work whether for personal, public or commercial purposes, as long as the designers are credited and the original archive is used. Users may modify this work to suit their purposes as long as if shared or otherwise distributed that the designers are credited with their appropriate links intact.

For the official license, please see the license HTML link to the official internet license above.

This archive was originally downloaded from: