The Bevelry typeface is a freeware TrueType font family licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license.

This typeface consists of the following fonts using the reserved font name of Bevelry:

Bevelry Filename: "Bevelry.ttf"

Bevelry Tall Small Caps Filename: "Bevelry Tall Small Caps.ttf"

Bevelry Tall.ttf Filename: "Bevelry Tall.ttf"

The font archive also holds this file ("License.txt"), a sample graphic of the font ("Bevelry_Sample.png"), and the description text file, "Bevelry.txt". If you choose to redistribute this font, please do so with the complete archive intact (6 files altogether).

The license this archive is distributed under allows you to use this font for personal, commercial or non-profit uses as long as you attribute the designer(s). You can even modify or append to this font according to your needs, as long as the preceding artist contributions to the project are acknowledged. However, this quick synopsis by no means covers the license in it's entirety. Please consult with the actual Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license, which can be found at the following web address:

Attribution of this font:


This FontStruction was originally the FontStruction created as the FontStruction “Shadow” that was authored by “12Me21”, and can be found at the following link:

Originally, “Shadow” only had upper case characters, numbers and some punctuation.

This font, “Bevelry”, was originally cloned (copied) from “Shadow” and a few of the captials were altered and a lower case set of characters were added by Doug Peters. Beverly now has a home at the freeware and shareware TrueType font catalog


Beverly is also licensed under that same Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license, which again, can be found at the following link:

Shadow, the original font on which Bevelry is based, is also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license:

Any further derivatives or reiterations of this font must use the very same Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license.

This font may also be used as a web font (#webfont), though do note that it has a purposely limited character set.

Beverly (and Shadow) can be used freely as long as the original authors are credited. If used on a website as a web font (#webfont), it is common practise to give the original designers credit on a web design credits page. A simple blurb with a link would suffice, such as:

This website makes use of the font Bevelry (available at by Doug Peters ( and derived from Shadow (available at which was created by 12Me21.