

1. Steinerlight.ttf (MS Windows/MAC OSX-compatible typeface).

2. Instructions.txt (this file).

3. License.txt (end user license, read carefully!)

4. Gabriele Magurno website.url (internet shortcut to my website).


Copy "Steinerlight.ttf" inside your "\Fonts\" folder, then reboot your computer if needed. The font will appear inside the list when you will open your favorite graphic program.


NOTE#1: This font is licensed as Freeware. Intellectual rights and property remains to the legit owner and author, Gabriele Magurno. If you plan to redistribute this font on magazines, CD-ROMs or websites, you must leave the package intact with the same files you've found on the original, available at my site. You may NOT ask/earn money with this font directly (e.g. by selling it) but you're free to use it for commercial projects (logos, flyers, posters, etc...) A credit or a link back to my site ( aren't required, but they are always appreciated.

Note#2: This typeface is ideal for logos and general design.

It isn't very suitable to be used with word-processors as it lacks some symbols and letters.

NOTE#3: Thanks to all the people around the world supporting my work! :-)