Frail&Bedazzled TrueType Font

By Lauren Thompson "Nymphont"

For more free fonts by me visit:

( coming soon)

Terms & Conditions of Use:

1.) This font is free for personal use. If you would like to

use this font commercially, please email me, Lauren Thompson,, with details.

2.) This font file must not be modified. If redisributed, this

readme must also be kept intact along with the font, and I would appreciate

an email, my email address is Thank you.

What can I say I really love to font! If you've got it, font it!

Moving right along, I hope you enjoy this font. Let me know what

you think by dropping me a line at

Stay tuned, The Nymphont Foundry website will make

it's debut shortly at:

P.S. For those who might not know, the font title is a reference

and homage to the excellent band, The Smashing Pumpkins, whose

song was the original bearer of this title. I couldn't tell you what my

favorite song by the band would be, but "Frail & Bedazzled,"

is definitly a great.