Roboto font family by Christian Robertson

TrueType Font

The Roboto font family comes in a variety of weights as a sans-serif freeware TTF webfont. Weights and styles included in this archive are Black (900 weight), Black Italic (900), Bold (700), Bold Italic (700), Condensed Bold (700), Condensed Bold Italic (700), Condensed Italic (400), Condensed Light (300), Condensed Light Italic (300), Condensed Regular (400), Italic (400), Light (300), Medium (500), Medium Italic (500), Regular (400), Thin (100) and Thin Italic (100).

This distribution archive includes each of the 18 different 2014 updated weight/style .ttf font files, the font family's associated Apache License 2.0 text file (Apache License.txt) and this distribution archive info note text file (Roboto.txt).

This is a free font with commercial use allowed, licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, and are Copyright Google 2012 and 2014. See the included aforementioned Apache License.txt text file in this distribution archive for license specifics and details.

from the artist, Christian Robertson:

Roboto has a dual nature. It has a mechanical skeleton and the forms are largely geometric. At the same time, the font features friendly and open curves. While some grotesks distort their letterforms to force a rigid rhythm, Roboto doesn’t compromise, allowing letters to be settled into their natural width. This makes for a more natural reading rhythm more commonly found in humanist and serif types.

This distribution archive offers the full sans-serif family and includes the condensed versions. These can be used alongside the Roboto Slab family, as well.

Christian Robertson and the Material Design team unveiled the latest version of Roboto at Google I/O in 2014, and it the version included in this archive are the updated 2014 versions. If you have installed this font family on your computer, please download them again and re-install to stay up-to-date.

This particular TTF font distribution archive was downloaded from the freeware and shareware TrueType font repository, Font-Journal, at the following URL:

The artist's website is:

The artist's profile is at:

The artist's YouTube can be found at:

The Font-Journal is a freeware and shareware TTF font repository that specializes in collecting freeware fonts which are acceptable for commercial use (as web fonts or for logos and advertising, etc..). Many of my own (Doug Peters) font creations are also exclusive to the font archive repository. I encourage you to support the freeware/shareware font designer first, possibly using the links provided above, but if you find the Font-Journal useful, please link back or tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter about Font-Journal. Or short URL: Or short URL: