Fjord One font by Viktoriya Grabowska & Sorkin Type Co

TrueType Font

Fjord One font comes in a regular (normal 400) weight as a roman style serif freeware TTF webfont.

This distribution archive includes the regular weight .ttf font file, the font license text file (OFL.txt) and this distribution archive info note text file (Fjord One.txt).

This is a free font with commercial use allowed, licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. Fjord One is Copyright Sorkin Type. See the included aforementioned OFL.txt text file in this distribution archive for license specifics and details.

from the artists:

Fjord is a serif typeface, originally designed with printed books in mind, and particularly intended for long texts in small print sizes. Fjord features sturdy construction, prominent serifs, low-contrast modulation and long elegant ascenders and descenders relative to the 'x' height. Fjord performs well in sizes form 12 px and higher but because of its original design and careful detailing Fjord can also be a distinctive font choice for larger text headlines and in corporate design. Fjord is inspired by the feeling found in both renaissance and contemporary typeface design.

This particular TTF font distribution archive was downloaded from the freeware and shareware TrueType font repository, Font-Journal, at the following URL:

The font foundry's website is:

The artist's profile is at:

Viktoriya Grabowska

Ebon Sorkin

The artist's behance page can be found at:

The Font-Journal is a freeware and shareware TTF font repository that specializes in collecting freeware fonts which are acceptable for commercial use (as web fonts or for logos and advertising, etc..). Many of my own (Doug Peters) font creations are also exclusive to the font archive repository. I encourage you to support the freeware/shareware font designer first, possibly using the links provided above, but if you find the Font-Journal useful, please link back or tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter about Font-Journal. Or short URL: Or short URL: