Fira Sans font by Mozilla

Open Source WebFont

The open source Fira Sans font comes in a 32 different weights/styles and is distributed freely as a humanist sans serif freeware TTF webfont. The weights styles included in this distribution archive are:

Fira Sans Two 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Two Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans Four 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Four Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans Eight 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Eight Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans Hair 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Hair Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans Thin 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Thin Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans UltraLight 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans UltraLight Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans ExtraLight 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans ExtraLight Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans Light 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Light Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans Book 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Book Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans Regular 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans Medium 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Medium Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans SemiBold 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans SemiBold Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans Bold 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Bold Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans ExtraBold 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans ExtraBold Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans Heavy 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Heavy Italic 2637 Glyphs

Fira Sans Ultra 2631 Glyphs

Fira Sans Ultra Italic 2637 Glyphs

There is an extra copy of FiraSans-Regular.ttf in the root of the archive to get the current version of our software to scan and display that weight and style as the default.

This distribution archive includes all of the 32 different weight/style font files listed above in EOT, OTF, TTF, WOFF and WOFF2 formats (found in the OTF or WEB folders), the font license text file (License.txt) and this distribution archive info note text file (Fira-Sans_4-106.txt).

This font is Copyright Mozilla Foundation and Telefonica S.A. It is distributed freely as a free open source webfont with commercial use allowed, licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. Fira Sans is a Trademark of Mozilla Foundation. See the included aforementioned 'License.txt' text file in this distribution archive for license specifics and details.

The current version of the open source freeware webfont in this archive is 4.106. It is a humanist sans with a wide variety of weights, each weight having an italic style version. It is a very legible paragraph font in a wide variety of sizes from tiny to extremely large.

There is also a Fira Mono compliment version.

To use this font on your website, you can use this snippet of code in the of each of your HTML documents:

This particular TTF font distribution archive was downloaded from the freeware and shareware TrueType font repository, Font-Journal, at the following URL:

Mozilla's Fira Sans page:

The development page for this font project at GitHub is:

The font project's current version, profile, design and specifications page is at:

How to contribute to the Fira font family project can be found at:

The Font-Journal is a freeware and shareware TTF font repository that specializes in collecting freeware fonts which are acceptable for commercial use (as web fonts or for logos and advertising, etc..). Many of my own (Doug Peters) font creations are also exclusive to the font archive repository. I encourage you to support the freeware/shareware font designer first, possibly using the links provided above, but if you find the Font-Journal useful, please link back or tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter about Font-Journal. Or short URL: Or short URL: