Arvo font by Anton Koovit

TrueType Font

Arvo font comes in Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic weights/styles as a slab serif freeware TTF web font.

This distribution archive includes the the normal and bold weights, as well as an italic style for each (totaling 4 .ttf font files), the font license text file (OFL.txt) and this distribution archive info note text file (Arvo.txt).

This is a free font with commercial use allowed, licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. See the included aforementioned OFL.txt text file in this distribution archive for license specifics and details.

from the artist:

Arvo is a geometric slab-serif typeface family suited for screen and print. The family includes 4 cuts: Roman, Italic, Roman Bold, Bold Italic. It is a libre font, first published in Google Fonts. The flavour of the font is rather mixed. Its monolinear-ish, but has a tiny bit of contrast (which increases the legibility a little in Mac OS X.)

The name Arvo is a typical Estonian man's name, but is not widely used today. In the Finnish language, Arvo means "number, value, worth." Considering how much programming is involved in hinting, all these meanings are true.

In December 2013 Arvo 2.0.1 was released, with support for languages that use the Cyrillic script, the latin script is expanded to Adobe's Glyph List 3, and many truetype hints are improved especially for in smaller sizes (regular cuts start now from 9ppem). Also added PANOSE classification numbers, cleaned up character palette order, and many more smaller bug fixes were made.

Updated August 2015: Bold and Bold Italic styles were updated to allow document embedding.

This particular TTF font distribution archive was downloaded from the freeware and shareware TrueType font repository, Font-Journal, at the following URL:

This font is a project on GitHub:

The artist's website is:

The artist contributes to:

The artist's public profile can be found at:

The artist's profile on GitHub is at:

The artist's blog can be found at:

The Font-Journal is a freeware and shareware TTF font repository that specializes in collecting freeware fonts which are acceptable for commercial use (as web fonts or for logos and advertising, etc..). Many of my own (Doug Peters) font creations are also exclusive to the font archive repository. I encourage you to support the freeware/shareware font designer first, possibly using the links provided above, but if you find the Font-Journal useful, please link back or tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter about Font-Journal. Or short URL: Or short URL: