The FontStruction “Avenura”
by Doug Peters is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Please follow the above resource URLs (web addresses) for detailed info. The first link at Fonstruction is the font's development address archive (which may or may not contain mistakes when it is undergoing live editing.

The second link is to the actual Creative Commons license info. Only that license documentation is accurate or legal, but in summary:

You may use this font and create new works with it, even new font derivatives as long as the new modified font does not use the same name, and the original authoring designer is credited (preferrably with a link to one of the designer's websites or blogs given in the Avenura.txt text file), publicly at least one time for your legal usage for a lifetime. Just one of the links below qualifies use of this font in as many projects as you require as long as the hyperlink remains available, live and reachable.

Do not charge for this font, this font is Freeware.

Commercial use is OK.

Use as a web font or in digital marketing ads is OK.

Redistribution is OK.

Derivatives of this font that are redistributed under a new reserved font name are encouraged as long as the documentation is updated to reflect the history. Authoring designer attribution (credit) is still required. Please update the original documents and images to reflect the new work contributions and authors.

The final link is the current and official home of full distribution archive of Avenura font/webfont:
Short Link:
-The shortlink will always reflect any unlikely change in the Avenura archive home page web address.