This is Nadall. The font it is based on can be found in the book

"Elegant Display Fonts," ed. Solo. I don't know its origins, but

it seems to show an Art Deco influence. If anyone knows more,

please drop me a line.

This is Tokenware: if you like it, send $1 to me as a token of your

appreciation. My address:

Eric Grunin

237 E18 St

NY, NY 10003

Compuserve ID: 72000,3215

All comments or suggestions are welcome.

NOTE: This is not Public Domain, it is Copyright (c) 1993 by Eric

Grunin. You may not charge money for it under any circumstances. You

may not bundle it in a "shareware collection," unless you are giving

the collection away FREE (which would be wonderful). I'm not in this

for the money, but my lawyers are bigger than your lawyers...