fuelfonts ordering information.

please print this file and send it to me with your

check/money... mark the [ ]'s with an X for the wanted.

personal information:


full name:








state(USA only):


zip code:






email address:


homepage url:


Macintosh truetype: [ ] PC truetype: [ ]

aerolith font°

US$ 29 [ ]

betatest family

US$ 59 [ ]

Monkeyphobia family

US$ 39 [ ]

SpaceBabe font°

US$ 29 [ ]

SpaceMonkey family

US$ 59 [ ]

Thursday family

US$ 59 [ ]

Special Offer¹

US$ 20 [ ]


fonts can also be sent via email if you so

wish. then you dont have to pay the

delivery fees.

world (non european)

US$ 10 [ ]


US$ 08 [ ]


US$ _______



Send cash² or a check³ to:


c/o Claes Källarsson

Skimmelv. 7

857 52 Sundsvall


and I will send you the font as soon as I can!

thank you for buying my fonts and supporting my work!

for more information about ordering and to take a

peek at new fonts, email me at grizzly@fucker.com or

visit http://www.fuelfonts.com

if you are using my fonts in web publications please

let me know so I can keep track of where my fonts are


°) The SpaceBabe and aerlith fonts are NOT

included in the Special Offer deal.

¹) The Special Offer is one font from a font family

for the low price of only 20 us dollars, this offer

is only for private persons like students and equal,

also schools etc, if you aren't sure you can get the

discount email me at grizzly@fucker.com and I will

tell you.

²) I take no responsibility for money lost in mail.

send a check instead, just be sure to write my name

as the reciever.

³) Make the check payable to Claes Källarsson.

Copyright © 1997 Claes Källarsson.

All Rights Reserved.